Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Glory in your trials, for they work patience in you.

That is what I have been repeating to myself over and over in the last few weeks.

It seems like we have been having nothing but trials, financially, since we got home from NZ and decided to pursue the adoption with full force.  Everything that can go wrong has gone wrong and we just can't seem to get our heads above water, let alone save for this extremely expensive adoption. 

With that being said, we are still plugging along. I am just thinking it is going to take us twice as long as we had previously anticipated. And that thought makes us very sad. It also makes my daughter sad because she is so anxiously waiting for her new little sister! Even my son has come around in the last few weeks and is excited about the adoption now!!

Glory in your trials, for they work patience in you.

I need all the patience I can get right now! I need to remember that the adoption will not happen when I want it to, on my terms or on my timeline. But in His....

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